2007年9月23日 星期日


1. 分工 (Division of Labor).*Fayol也注意到過度專業化的一些問題.
2. 權責相稱 (Authority and Responsibility)
3. 命令統一(Unity of Command): only one boss.
4. 指揮線(Line of Authority)要清楚: a clear chain from top to bottom of the firm.
5. 權力集中的程度 (Centralization): the degree to which authority rests at the very top.
6.努力方向要統一 (Unity of Direction): One plan of action to guide the organization.
7. 對待員工要公正 (Equity): Treat all employees fairly in justice andrespect.
8.任用員工要有條理 (Order): Each employee is put where they havethe most value.
9.鼓勵主動創新 (Initiative)
10. 紀律 (Discipline): obedient, applied, respectful employees needed.
11. 重視員工報酬 (Remuneration of Personnel): The payment system contributes to success.
12. 任期穩定 (Stability of Tenure): Long-term employment is important.
13. 團體利益優先於個人利益 (General interest over individual interest)
14. 團體精神 (Esprit de corps): Share enthusiasm or devotion to the organization.

